Season 3, Episode 4 – Judith F. Brenner
In Season 3, Episode 4 of History Through Fiction: The Podcast, host Colin Mustful chats with Judith F. Brenner about her new novel The Moments Between Dreams. During the conversation, Brenner talks about the challenges faced by her characters who must overcome Polio and Intimate Partner Violence. Brenner also talks about her decision to set the novel in post-WWII Chicago and her experience publishing with Greanleaf Book Group. While the novel was published in May, the interview with Brenner is being published in October because it is Polio Awareness Month and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please follow the links to learn more.
About the Author
Judith F. Brenner owns Creative Lakes Media, LLC, a freelance writing and editing services company. She is the managing editor and publisher of Sharpeners Report, a national publication with paid circulation in a professional service and repair industry. Her personal essays have been published in Writers in the Know (WINK) literary magazine, (available at, and Minnesota Parent magazine. She completed the Iowa University Mini-MFA Workshop in 2019. Judith is a member of the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis and the Professional Editor’s Network. She resides in Minnesota with her husband and has two daughters. The Moments Between Dreams is her debut novel.