
All services are personalized to meet your needs and help you reach your goals!

Rates are based on the Editorial Rates calendar provided by the Editorial Freelancers Association

Manuscript Critique

A manuscript critique is an overall evaluation of an unpublished, completed or near-completed draft of a full-length book or novel. The critique includes positive feedback and constructive criticism about the work-in-progress as a whole. The critique will offer the writer valuable insights about how to further develop their characters, eliminate plot holes, and create a more effective narrative. The critique will offer broad recommendations without any inline edits or comments. This is appropriate for manuscripts that are in the early drafting stages or are near-complete and their authors seek professional feedback and guidance.

Sample Critique (10 pages) – Free
1.5¢ per word
All critiques will be completed and returned within 21 days of purchase. Services include a 20 minute video conference.

Developmental Edit

A developmental edit is an overall, in-depth evaluation of a completed manuscript that will offer specific advice and recommendations. The developmental editor will critique the story as a whole while also making specific recommendations for improving various literary elements such as plot, character development, dialogue, showing vs. telling, voice, pacing, point of view, position of the narrator, and overall effectiveness. The developmental editor will also point out issues of authorial intrusion, appropriation, and anachronisms. The edit will include inline edits along with comments and an editorial letter that provides a complete explanation of all recommendations. The development edit includes an 8-12 page editorial report. This is appropriate for manuscripts that have been through several drafts and are considering submission to traditional publishers or moving forward with self-publishing.

Sample Developmental Edit (20 pages) - Free
3.2¢ per word
The developmental edit will be returned within 28 days of scheduled start date as negotiated. Services include a 30 minute video conference, an 8-12 page editorial report, and follow-up emails as necessary throughout the revision process.

Copy/Line Edit

A Copy or Line Edit is a line-by-line review of the finished draft of a manuscript that checks for grammar, punctuation, word choice, sentence structure and overall readability of the manuscript. This is a focussed edit that will provide both objective corrections to things like spelling and punctuation, and subjective recommendations to things like word choice, redundancies, phrasing, and so forth. The goal will be to make a clearer more compelling narrative through effective use of language. This is appropriate for manuscripts that have been through developmental editing, several rounds of revisions, and are nearly ready for publication.

Sample Copy/Line Edit (5 pages) – Free
2.8¢ per word
All proofreads will be returned within 21 days of purchase. Services include a 20 minute video conference.


A proofread is a page-by-page review of the final draft of a manuscript that checks for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and accuracy. In addition to checking for errors, the proofreader will make recommendations on word choice, tense agreement, redundancy, and clarity. This is appropriate for manuscripts that have been typeset or are nearly ready for publication.

Sample Proof (5 pages) – Free
1.5¢ per word
All proofreads will be returned within 21 days of purchase. Services include a 20 minute video conference.

Book Coaching

Writing and publishing a book is a long and complicated process. If you’ve never done it before, or even if you have, you may need some help. Book Coaching provides that help. Through regular one-on-one support, book coaching helps writers identify their goals while providing them with the tools, knowledge, and resources reach their goals. Your book coach, Colin Mustful, has been through the publishing process as an author and a publisher. He has the know-how and the connections to help make your story idea into a published novel.

Costs Vary – Please contact for an estimate.

About the Editor


Colin Mustful is the founder and editor of History Through Fiction. Mustful is an accomplished fiction and nonfiction writer who has published numerous novels, nonfiction essays and articles, and various other written resources and blog posts. Since launching History Through Fiction in 2019, Mustful has ushered three historical novels through the publication process and has received and evaluated hundreds of manuscript submissions. He has a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing with a concentration in publishing (Augsburg University, 2019) and a Master of Arts degree in history (Minnesota State University, Mankato, 2007). He is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, the ACES Society for Editing, and has a Poynter ACES Certificate in Editing.

Read Colin Mustful’s craft essay, Authorial Intrusion and the Civil War Narrative: How to Write History Through Fiction


“I recently completed the initial draft of my first historical novel, after years of grinding away with whatever spare time I could find on evenings and weekends. Although I had helpful comments along the way from early "friends and family" readers, I knew that I really needed someone in the writing and publishing professions to provide a deeper critique of the book. I am very grateful that my online searching took me to Colin Mustful and his editorial services! Colin completed a thorough developmental edit of my draft, providing a detailed report within just a few weeks time, exactly on the schedule agreed upon. He focused immediately on several major improvements that were needed to make the book work better for the intended audience. While the on-target critical comments were tough to read at first, Colin provided multiple examples of how I might implement his suggestions, as well as links to other resources to help me not only improve this novel but also to further develop my writing skills. I still have a lot of work to do! But thanks to Colin's input, I now have specific ideas for revisions that will take the book to the next level, and be much more engaging for readers.” 

– Bob Davis, author of The Dominion of My Ancestors

“When I decided it was time to go for a development edit on my debut historical novel, I was hoping to find a professional editor who: a) specializes in this genre; b) has experience in writing his/her/their own novel(s); c) possesses a firm base knowledge in the craft of writing; and d) is skilled at providing critique in a manner both understandable and useful. I am delighted to report that I found all this in Colin Mustful.

I’ve told several of the authors in my writing group that I have a love/hate relationship with this masterful editor – the exact relationship I was looking for; the exact relationship that I, as an aspiring author, needed. The feedback Colin provided was very detailed, very clearly stated, and most helpful in improving my manuscript.

He pointed out the major flaws in the draft version of my novel, explained the effect they would have on readers, provided me examples of how I might rework the manuscript, and pointed me toward articles and books that would help me better understand how good writing works. Along the way he also provided the right level of motivation and encouragement to keep going at it.

From here on out, it’s up to me. The final success of the novel will depend on how well I incorporate Colin’s suggestions and advice. But I will always be happy to have found Colin Mustful as my coach!”

– David K. Wessel, author of Choosing Sides – The story of an ‘ordinary’ family coming to terms with Hitler’s Germany

Enlisting a good book editor is crucially important in the creation of book. A book with a great message will fall short of achieving its desired goal without the coaching and guidance of a good editor. Colin utilizes his skills to guide the writer through the often difficult process, resulting in a book that will inspire and will live on for generations.

– Barry Babcock, Author of Bonga: A Safe Abode in the Wilderness

If you are self-publishing, you need a professional editor! Colin found errors that I had missed and passed through several editing rounds from my publishing company. Colin was responsive, organized, and delivered ahead of schedule. As an experienced writer himself, he gave me honest feedback about what changes could be made to strengthen my writing and did a thorough edit of the entire manuscript. I am two weeks away from publishing my first novel, and I am confident it is polished and ready for release. Thank you, Colin; you’re a lifesaver!

– Amber Wiser Thompson, Author of City of Steel: A Damascus Love Story

Colin has been wonderful to work with! His edits of my manuscript, of which is 400+ pages, were thorough and thoughtful, and provided promptly. He was very quick to answer any questions I had, and provided me with great insight into the manuscript. I highly recommend working with Colin!

– Lindsey Fera, Author of Muskets and Minuets and Muskets and Masquerades

Every book writer needs professional feedback along the way. Yes, we need to know how to improve the book. But more than that, we need the motivation that comes with encouraging and clear next steps. Colin Mustful’s report provided that, so I could feel good about investing time and energy in revisions. I particularly appreciated hearing his sense of the balance between history and story, and his direct questions about who my characters are. My revisions and new writing now feel directed and focused, thanks to Colin.

– Jennifer Holder, Full Bloom Publications

Colin’s critique carved the openings in the walls I set, that made my draft squeezed and desperately in need of space and time. Now I can move the story to a new level, the one I wanted without knowing what It was and if I could get there.

– Jacques de Chabannes

I am more than pleased with Colin's developmental edit of my fiction book, “The Jesus Effect.” I had my book read by eight friends prior, and none of them could provide insights into the craft of writing like Colin. He pointed out my wandering point of view, stilted dialog, and lack of setting in a scene. Colin is making me a better writer. Thanks Colin!

– Todd Johnson, author of the forthcoming novel The Jesus Effect