History Through Fiction

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Meet the Intern: Ellie Clennon

Hi! I’m Ellie Clennon, the History Through Fiction editing & publishing intern for the Fall 2023 semester.

Growing up, and especially throughout my time in high school, I was envious of those who knew exactly what they wanted to study when they went to college. I was even more envious of those who already had a tentative career path at such a young age. I didn’t know what I wanted to study, nor did I have any idea what I wanted to do when I grew up; all I knew was that I enjoyed reading. This being said, I did what any rational, confused college freshman would: declared a major in business.

Needless to say, I hated it. But I loved my humanities class. Surprise, surprise: the class entailed reading and writing. So, during one of my many existential crises of freshman year, I impulsively changed my major to English. Turns out, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I didn’t know it was possible to enjoy school. I didn’t know that I could feel motivated to do schoolwork, not because of grades, but because of my desire to learn more and more. Who knew I’d learn to love Shakespeare, and write my own pieces of creative nonfiction for fun?

I loved English and writing so much that after my sophomore year I scoured the internet for potential professional experience. And I stumbled upon this amazing internship.

18-year-old Ellie never would have imagined that in just three years, she would be studying something she cares so deeply about, and beginning her professional career.

I am so grateful that God pointed me in the direction of reading and writing for my future, and I cannot wait to see where this internship will take me!

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